Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Take a Nature Spa Day

I have been blessed to be ranch sitting for my friend at the Shooting Star Ranch and Retreat the past couple of weeks. Being back here has truly renewed and revitalized my spirit. On Saturday I facilitated a day retreat and all the participants commented on how healing Nature is and actually called it a Nature Spa Day. As I sit under the trees and experience the changing smells and colors that fall brings, it occurs to me how more in the moment I am, how calm I feel and how I have been brought back into balance. Designing and facilitating enrichment retreats has been a passion of mine for most of my adult life, and once again I witnessed the learning, healing and energizing power of Nature as each participant returned to a state of balance and well being simply by slowing down, breathing a little deeper, and reflecting while watching the butterflies and listening to the wind in the trees. They drove away relaxed, refreshed and renewed.
I was teaching some of the wisdom of Dr. Wayne Dyer and had been reading one of his books which I somehow had missed along the way. It is called Being in Balance and as I read Chapter two entitled "There's More to Life Than Making It go Faster (Balancing Your Desire to Enjoy Life with Your Need to Achieve)",  I realized that although I strive to be at peace at all times, I sometimes forget that my thoughts are not always in alignment with my desire. As Wayne puts it:
"You need to note the thoughts you have that support your desire for a peaceful, stress-free life.
Thoughts such as "I'm overwhelmed, I never have enough time, I have more on my plate than I can handle, and I feel pressured by the need to make money to pay my bills" aren't balanced and peaceful. If stress thoughts are tipping the scale, that's what the law of attraction brings. Remember : you become what you think about! If you are thinking scarcity or anger or fear, guess what? That's what the law of attraction attracts! Even with a well balanced schedule that allows for more free time, and even with plenty of stress-reducing activities on your pared down personal calendar, if you fail to align your thoughts with the success you're capable of attracting, the weight of the dominant thoughts will tip the scale away from a balanced life. You will have failed to assimilate the essence of Ghandi's advice that there is more to life than increasing its speed.
So I invite you to have a nature spa day and remember to think thoughts that reflect what you want to attract into your life.
Namaste, Molly

1 comment:

  1. I am reading Excuses Begone! by Dyer right now and, as I always do with his work, am getting so much out of it. But sometimes it's the "simple" things that impact us the most. For me, it was the Four Rules for Living by Wayne Dyer. More specifically, it was the third cardinal virtue he calls "gentleness." "When you have the choice to be right or to be kind, always pick kind...Gentleness means accepting life and people as they are, rather than insisting that they be as you are." I took this essay to heart and it changed my life. The world really lost someone special and I think it's wonderful that you are honoring him and his work.
