Monday, April 11, 2016


Recently when I was doing some spring cleaning and purging things from my closet, I was reminded of the importance of doing a little mental housecleaning from time to time.
Here is the thing, we all have beliefs and thoughts that truly no longer serve us. Perhaps we have a belief that we don't deserve or aren't good enough. Maybe we believe that life is hard or you can't trust people. What we choose to believe and focus our thoughts on do become true for us so I learned long ago to ask myself if what I am thinking or focusing on is something I really want to manifest in my life. Mental housecleaning will bring about the same feelings that purging your closet ultimately brings. You know that feeling of relief, of doing something really positive for yourself, of letting go. When we decide to get rid of thoughts and beliefs that drag us down or scare us or make us feel less than, our lives suddenly feel lighter and more positive.
When you are cleaning a room, you will pick up things and examine them. Some things you will look at with love and you will dust and polish them to give them new beauty. Some things will need repair and you will make a note to do that. Other things will never serve you again, and it becomes time to let those things go. When we do mental house it is the same process. Some things we will let go of easily and some not so much. But think of it this way. Would you really want to use yesterday's old garbage to create tonight's dinner? We need to toss out thoughts and beliefs that keep us stuck in the past or that keep us from enjoying the day or our relationships.
So take some time to go through your mental rooms and examine the thoughts and the beliefs in them. Polish and shine those that you love and make them even more useful. For the ones that need replacement or repair, make a commitment to get around to them when you can and when you are ready, and for the ones that are like yesterday's old newspapers and old magazines and clothing simply give away or toss into the trash. Let them be gone forever.
If we are willing to change, we can create whole new attitudes and feel so renewed simply by doing a little mental spring cleaning. If you want to explore this concept more, I hope you will join me for my upcoming brunch and wisdom event on April 24th, at St. Martins Wine Bistro from 12:30-2:00, when I will talk on the topic, Mental Housecleaning. Simply click on my events tab for more information. Stay well!

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